基隆廟口天婦羅 Keelung Fried Fish Cakes

材料 Ingredient
自製魚漿 Homemade Fish Paste 1 份 portion
炸油 Oil for frying 適量 proper amount
糖醋小黃瓜 Baby Cucumber with Sweet & Sour Dressing 隨意 As desired
台灣小吃沾醬 Dipping sauce for Taiwanese snacks 隨意 As desired

2.炸油燒熱到300°F (150°C)。
3.在工作檯面鋪上一張保潔膜。取2大匙魚漿在保潔膜上抹平,再用不鏽鋼刮刀將魚片刮起放進油鍋裡炸到金黃色。 刮刀上抹油比較好操作。重覆此步驟直到魚漿做完。

1.Prepare the fish paste. Increase the water in the recipe to 2/3 cup of water.
2.Heat the oil to 300°F (150°C)。
3.Place a sheet of plastic wrap on the counter or any working space. Put 2 Tbs. of the fish paste on the plastic wrap and use a spatula to form the fish paste to a think disk. Transfer the fish disk into the oil by using a oiled stainless steel dough cuter. Fry the fish disk until it is golden brown. Repeat this step for the rest of the fish paste.
4.Cut the fried fish cakes into desired size. Serve them with the Sweet & Sour Baby Cucumbers and Dipping Sauce for Taiwanese Snacks.

最後更新 (Last Update): 10/25/2013
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